If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all.
Yogi Bhajan

Honor Yourself
Love Yourself
Be Yourself
Yogi Bhajan

My name is Yvonne and I'm a certified kundalini yoga teacher from FInland who would like to spread the yogic techniques to everybody who is interested. Yoga has changed my life to the better and obviously I want to give other people the same possibility to find home in themselves. You deserve the very best in life. More about me.

I teach kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. He brought this til then secret technology to the west in 1969. These techniques has helped thousands of peolpe and are invaluable tools in our hectic lifetime. He wanted to create teachers, not gather students. Would you like to read more about Yogi Bhajan? You find all the information you need here.

My alter ego yogaDONNA has become a way for me to express myself creativly, and at the same time spread yoga and meditation
I want to inspire people to follow their dreams even if it feels like you don't really fit in.